My book, The Anarchist’s Guide To TRT, is out and now available to buy. This book is a practical guide to safe, affordable and effective testosterone replacement therapy using underground labs found on the black-market. If you’re on, or need testosterone replacement therapy and are struggling to get treatment or looking for affordable...
Category - News
Labcorp, one of the world’s leading blood testing laboratories, has just announced that they are lowering the normal reference range for testosterone in men. What does this mean and how does it affect you? I just discovered some really discouraging/worrying news. Labcorp (and likely most other labs) are lowering the normal reference...
Awesome News! The TRT Manual And Facebook Group Access Is Now FREE! I constantly promote and refer to an excellent guide on testosterone replacement therapy called “The TRT Manual” by Jay Campbell. Especially in my YouTube videos on TRT. This book is the definitive guide to optimizing your testosterone for lifelong health and happiness...