Is self-medicated TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) “bad”, or is it a practical solution? Should non-prescribed TRT be considered “abuse” of testosterone or is it just as viable as TRT prescribed by a doctor? These questions were...
Are you looking for a testosterone replacement therapy clinic in The Netherlands? Have you been struggling to find a TRT clinic or get treated? In this post, I’d like to introduce a clinic that just might be able to help you. Struggling To...
Here are some quick tips for those still struggling with quad injections, to help you experience painless injections and minimise post injection pain. Divide leg into 3 thirds Inject into the middle third Inject into the top outer edge...
Everything you need to know about doing a ventrogluteal intramuscular glute injection. Gluteal injections are the most common type of injection used for intramuscular injections, especially for testosterone replacement therapy. In today’s...
Should you be concerned about minor post injection pain? In today’s blog quickie, I discuss how minor post injection pain is typically nothing to be concerned about, but we also discuss the rare circumstances when it may be more serious...
Do you live in Europe or the UK? Are you struggling to find a doctor or clinic that will treat your low testosterone? In today’s post, I’ll tell you how to get testosterone replacement therapy quickly and conveniently in the EU, when all...
Today you’ll discover three important factors to consider when choosing the appropriate needle size and length for your injections. When you first start out administering your own injections, one of the most intimidating things to figure...