About Paolo And The TRT Hub

Paolo’s journey into testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) began with his own experiences managing low testosterone. He created his YouTube channel and blog TRTHub.com, to share his experiences and educate others about TRT, aiming to help men take control of their health, hormones and lives.

Paolo’s approach to TRT was to keep it simple and easy to understand. His approachable manner and in-depth knowledge have made him a trusted figure in this niche, providing valuable guidance for those navigating TRT.

In 2024, Paolo released his controversial book “The Anarchist’s Guide To TRT.” This book provides a guide to self-managed TRT, reflecting his broader philosophy of self-reliance, bodily-autonomy and scepticism towards mainstream medical and governmental systems.

My Story And How I Would Like To Help You

I created this site to help  men suffering with low testosterone take back control of their hormones, and ultimately, their lives and their well-being. My goal is to help you understand TRT and find a doctor or clinic that can provide you with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) treatment, no matter where you are the world!

If you’re wondering who the hell I am, let me introduce myself…

My name is Paolo and I have been on TRT since 2009, when I turned 29. I was fortunate enough to have a doctor that kept up with the times and was experienced in treating low testosterone. Without her intervention and guidance, I would have continued suffering with anxiety, tiredness, weak strength and a poor sense of well-being. She virtually saved my life by diagnosing my low testosterone correctly and treating me, which changed my life forever.

As someone who’s done my fair share of travelling and living abroad, I know first-hand how tough it can be to find a doctor that fully understands and is experienced in treating low testosterone.

It’s mind-blowing how many doctors still know so little about this area, especially in this day and age. I have had unbelievably poor service from inexperienced doctors and physicians in Europe and the United Kingdom.

The Anarchist's Guide To Testosterone Replacement TherapyAfter numerous low testosterone crashes, from not getting treatment, I decided to take matters into my own hand. After securing RELIABLE treatment for myself, I made it my duty to track down and document all the physicians and practitioners who could help others who have gone through the same negative experiences as me.

I also wrote a book in 2023 that shows you how to manage your own TRT via the black-market safely, effectively, and much more affordably. This is a great alternative for you if you’re unable to find a suitable solution or are ready to manage your own treatment, without the hassle of doctors and prescriptions.

2016, Aged 36, 7 years of TRT.

This site is an ongoing project and passion, to document and list all the doctors, clinics and services that can help men with low testosterone get treated. More importantly, to list all the forward-thinking, cutting edge services offering Testosterone Replacement Therapy for men. It is a work in progress, so please bear with me as I slowly flesh the site in my free time.

Thanks for visiting. Hopefully we’re able to help you out. And if you know of any leading-edge docs who you think should be here, please drop me a line and let me know – the more connections we have, the greater then number of men we can help take back control of their lives!

 I wish you health, happiness and prosperity – Paolo!


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