Tag - TRT

Do You Really Need To Aspirate? (2018 Update)

To aspirate or not to aspirate, that is the question. Today you’ll finally learn the truth behind the controversy surrounding aspiration – do you really need to aspirate? When you first enter the world of testosterone replacement therapy, one topic that comes up quite quickly is aspiration. Aspirating is the process of pulling back on the...

Newbie Tip To Reduce Pain During Intramuscular Injections

Today’s quick tip is especially for newbies and will help you reduce the pain of your intramuscular injections. A common mistake that those new to testosterone replacement therapy make is not changing needles before injecting. I made this mistake myself when I first started out. You use the same needle to draw the testosterone from the vial as you...

How I Discovered I Had Low Testosterone

My entry into the world of Testosterone Replacement Therapy was completely by chance. Fortunately, it was that random event that would change my life forever. Early Days I started lifting weights recreationally around 2005, at age 25. I would go to the gym with my friend and dick around for an hour or so. We would talk shit, make jokes, check out...

The Best/Most Effective Form Of TRT

Today I’m going to share what I believe the best form of TRT is. My views may not be what you want to hear, but it’s what needs to be said. A lot of men have asked me what I think the most effective form of testosterone replacement therapy is. This comes as no surprise because as humans, we tend to drift towards the easiest/quickest solutions...

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