Labcorp, one of the world’s leading blood testing laboratories, has just announced that they are lowering the normal reference range for testosterone in men. What does this mean and how does it affect you?


I just discovered some really discouraging/worrying news. Labcorp (and likely most other labs) are lowering the normal reference range for testosterone in healthy men. This drop is about  from 348 – 1197ng/dl to 264 – 916ng/dl. This a a drop of almost 100 points at the lower end of the range.

What does this mean? In layman’s terms, this means that what is now considered “normal” for testosterone levels is lower than what it used to be.

This has greater implications for men who have testosterone levels at the lower end of the spectrum, as they may no longer qualify for testosterone replacement therapy.

For example, if your total testosterone blood test results came back at 300ng/dl before, you would likely qualify for a testosterone replacement therapy prescription, as 300ng/dl is lower than the 348ng/dl cutoff point.

However, with the new ranges, 300ng/dl does NOT fall below 264ng/dl, which according to the lab, now means that you are NOT deficient and should likely NOT qualify for TRT treatment.

Another way of looking at this is that before, you had to first have the testosterone levels of a 60-65 year old man to qualify for TRT. Which is low/bad enough already.

Now, your levels have to be as low as that of a 65-75 year old man to qualify for TRT, which is even worse. Just imagine a 25 year old male expected to live with the testosterone levels of a seventy year old man. ~That’s not living – that’s suffering.

The low end of the range was already questionable before at 348ng/dl, as many people still suffer with the symptom of low testosterone at that level. By lowering the range, we can be almost certain that men will now be refused testosterone replacement therapy and have to suffer with the symptoms of being androgyn-deficient / hypergonadal.

This is not good news for men.

For a full explanation, check out my video Labcorp Lowers Normal Testosterone Range For Men on YouTube.

Labcorp Announcement About Testosterone Reference Range Changes:

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Paolo Broccardo

I help men take control of their testosterone, health and lives. Testosterone Replacement Therapy turned my life around and my goal is to help other men with low testosterone do the same.

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