Everything you need to know about doing a ventrogluteal intramuscular glute injection.

Gluteal injections are the most common type of injection used for intramuscular injections, especially for testosterone replacement therapy. In today’s full guide and demonstration video, I’m going to explain everything you need to know about doing your own glute injections. We’ll look at the difference between ventrogluteal and dorsogluteal injections, and why the ventrogluteal site is superior for intramuscular injections. You’ll also learn what equipment exactly is needed, how to prepare your injection and how to give yourself a glute injection.

Ventrogluteal VS Dorsogluteal – What’s The Difference?

You get two types of gluteal injections – ventrogluteal and dorsogluteal injections. Below is a diagram illustrating the different glute injection sites.

Ventrogluteal VS Dorsogluteal Injection Sites

The ventrogluteal injection site is located on the gluteus medius, which is located right at the top outer edge of the glute muscle, near the hip, waist and belt-line. The dorsogluteal injection site is located on the gluteus maximus – the main part of your butt. The injection is typically given in the upper outer quadrant of the glute.

Why Ventrogluteal Injections Are Superior

The Ventrogluteal injection is the preferred glute injection site, as it is the least painful injection site. Is is also one of the safest intramuscular injection sites, as it is away from any major blood vessels and nerves, including the sciatic nerve. It is for these very reasons that this is the most common injection site used by nurses and doctors for intramuscular injections, especially those administered for TRT (testosterone replacement therapy). It is also my number one go-to injection site for my TRT injections. Personally, I usually rotate my injection sites and make use of deltoid injections and quad injections, but ventrogluteal injections make up the majority of my injections.

Equipment Needed For Your Gluteal Injection

Beginners may have many questions when it comes to glute injection supplies: What is the correct needle length? What is the right needle size? 1 or 1.5 inch? 23 or 25G or other? Below is a list and diagram of the equipment and supplies you’ll need to administer your own injection. While there are many ways to skin a cat, this is the most common equipment used for a typical glute injection.

Ventrogluteal Injection Needles and Equipment

  • Your testosterone ampoule or vial
  • An 18G 1.5 inch needle (in pink) for drawing (not necessary can draw with 23G too, but 18G makes drawing easier)
  • If you’re lean or shredded, 25G 1 inch needle will be fine (this is the orange needle)
  • For everyone else, the blue 23G 1.5 inch is best.
  • A 1ml Syringe
  • Alcohol swaps/pads for cleaning the injection site before and after the injection
  • A Sharps Bin or suitable container for disposal of sharp objects
To prepare your syringe, needle and medication for your injection, please see my Injection Preparation Guide.

How To Find The Ventrogluteal And Dorsogluteal Injection Sites

Finding the injection site for both ventro and dorso gluteal injections can be tricky. In the following photos, I’ve highlighted the difference between the ventro and dorso gluteal injection sites.

A detailed view of the Dorsogluteal and Ventrogluteal injection sites.

As you can see, they’re quite close, but the ventrogluteal site is right at the top of your butt, near your waistline, while the dorsogluteal site is in the middle of your glute. The ventro injection is done on the gluteus MEDIUS, while the dorso injection is done on the gluteus MAXIMUS. Typically doctors would have you lie down on your side to give you this injection. But that’s not necessary. You CAN do it sitting or standing and give it to yourself. Just twist to the side, as you’ll see.

An Easier View Of The Ventrogluteal Injection Site

To make things easier, I have offered up my own butt for demonstration purposes, and decorated it in nice bright colors.

Ventrogluteal and Dorsogluteal Injection Site Closeup

I have highlighted the injection area with colored markers, showing the waist and belt line in RED, as well as the injection site in BLUE/GREEN. This is where we do the ventrogluteal injection, marked with a number 2. Now, you could also do a dorsogluteal injection in the area marked with black and a number 1. But for today’s, demo we’re focusing on the ventrogluteal injection. Just remind yourself that this is a glute injection, so wherever you inject, it should always be on your butt. The ventrogluteal injection site is right on the top outer edge of your glute, as seen in the picture above. This is where we’ll inject. Just remember to relax the muscle when injecting. One good thing about the ventrogluteal injection, is that you DON’T have to pull your pants all the way down. So let’s move on to doing the actual injection.

How To Do A Glute Injection

Ventrogluteal Injection Site. Disclaimer: Please do not use marker pen ink near the injection site.

  1. Locate injection site as described earlier. Today we’re doing the ventrogluteal site marked with a 2, but you could also do the dorsogluteal site marked with a 1.
  2. Take an alcohol swab and wipe the injection site for a couple of seconds
  3. Take the prepared injection and remove the safety cap, making sure not to touch the needle
  4. Twist around and insert the needle into the injection site at a 90 degree angle. BEFORE pushing the solution in, we need to aspirate. Pull BACK on the plunger and make sure you see some air enter the syringe, NOT blood. If it’s air, you’ve aspirated correctly and can continue. If you’d like more information on aspiration, please see my video guide on Aspiration.
  5. Push down on the plunger slowly until all the medication is out
  6. When done, remove the needle and replace the safety cap
  7. Wipe the injection site with an alcohol pad. It may or may not bleed a little. Don’t worry if there’s a little blood. This may happen from time to time.
  8. Finally, don’t forget to dispose of your sharp objects into a sharps bin or appropriate waste container.
You can also watch the full glute injection guide below, which covers everything discussed in this article, and offers a full demonstration starting at 5:01.


That’s it. Congratulations! You’ve done a ventrogluteal injection. If you still have any questions or something is unclear, just leave your question in the comments section below and I will reply. Otherwise, if you had great success, please leave a comment below and let me know. Till next time.

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Paolo Broccardo

I help men take control of their testosterone, health and lives. Testosterone Replacement Therapy turned my life around and my goal is to help other men with low testosterone do the same.

29 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Hi there,
    you helped me through the whole process.
    I used to inject a few years ago, but when I started Nebido I got scared. Now that there is a pandemia and I have no One to ask, I looked on the internet and I found you.
    So thank you!

  • Hey Paolo, have you ever gotten any swollen muscle or bruising around the injection site? I think maybe I should switch to 1.5” needles so it gets deep inside muscle.

    • Hi Chris. It’s funny you should ask that now. I normally never get bruises, but just this week my girlfriend pointed out a massive dark bruise on my butt. I never knew it was there and there was no pain, and the previous injection went normally. And this was a ventrogluteal injection with a 1″ needle. This is a first after hundreds of injections on the glute. So perhaps it was too shallow like you suggested. I’m more inclined to think I hit a blood vessel, but who knows. The good news is that it didn’t have any negative effects.

  • Wow i always did quad injections but this is so much easier and buttery smooth! Thank’s for the instructions cheers!

  • Hi Paolo,

    I was doing research on how to do an IM injection and luckily I came across your material. The comprehensive and step-by-step instructions have made the whole experience like a walk in the park.

    I was honestly so stressed during the first injection that I broke two ampules. But now, four injections down the line, it can’t get any easier all thanks to you. So I wanted to thank you for your time and effort in putting all this information out. Thank you again!

  • Great video Paolo. I should be receiving my first prescription in a few days and as you can imagine very nervous. After everything I’ve read Glute seems to be best option, however quads seem much more accessible. I also have no butt muscle whatsoever (hence trt). My thoughts are use quad to get used to the whole process (cleaning prep etc) and then move to Glute once comfortable. What are your thoughts?

    • I would go with the ventrogluteal injection. It’s less painful in general and less risk of missing the right spot. Both have a learning curve, so probably best to start with the most commonly used site and reduce risk of complication. Even though you don’t think you have muscle, it’s there beneath the fat, so just use a 1 – 1.5inch needle (depending on your body fat) and you’ll get it. The ventrogluteal site is harder to reach than the quad, but it’s still worthwhile learning and using as the first injection site. You can always switch to quads once you’re comfortable with the ventrogluteal injection site or need an alternate injection site.

      • Thanks for advice, I’ll try ventrogluteal first then. I’ll rewatch your demonstration as much as possible.

      • Thank you so much! Just did my ventrogluteal (I think) for my first injection. Zero pain, aspiration was easy and injection was easy. I was very nervous and shaking like a sh***ing dog trying to get the needle in the ampoule but so glad I listened to your advice! Keep up the great work!

        • “Shaking like a shitting dog” haha! I’m glad it went well. Most of them should and even if you do have the rare bad injection, it won’t be nearly as bad as we imagine it will be in our minds 😉

  • Why am I getting soreness in my thigh and right arm after injections? I have used the right deltoid twice and for about 3 days it hurts to touch it.

  • Hi! Female, 44 years old. I came across your video in my desperate search to learn how to do IM shots for IFV. Was terrified of it and was obsessing about it for DAYS before I had to do it!! But after doing one, I will say that the needle does not actually hurt!! Even though it’s a 22 gauge, it’s all mental. The needle is long and intimidating, but seriously – the shot itself is nothing. Promise!! I’ve had hangnails that hurt way worse. I was a little tender the next day, but treated it with a heating pad. THANK YOU PAOLO for teaching a safe injection placement.

  • Have now done 2 VG injections per your instructions. What a revelation! No pain during; no pain after! Thank-you! Just started TRT in August. Urologist set me up with one every 2 weeks. Taught me only the thigh injection site because “it’s easier”. Right, also painful for 4-5 days after. Also did deltoids, also with follow on pain. Using 22g 1.5 in needles so far. I’m 233 lbs, but 6’4″ and trim except for belly which I’m working on. What do you think of using 25g 1″ needles in my situation? Have lots of those on hand now from my deltoid experiment.

    • Try it. If you don’t experience any weird bumps or negative side-effects, they’re probably good. If you have a negative reaction, then stick with what you’ve been using. You won’t die if the 25G goes wrong 😉

  • Hi Paolo, other sources recommend 28G / 29G 0.5 inch diabetes syringes and call it shallow IM injection. Could you please comment why you choose thicker and longer needles. These sources recommend to use the same needle for drawing and injecting. Could you also kindly comment why you use separate needles?

    • Tim, you don’t have to use separate needles, it just makes things easier. If I don’t have an 18G needle to draw, then I just use the 25G to draw – the same needle I use for my injection. It just takes longer. But it does the job. You can use the 28G needle to draw too, but you’ll probably be waiting for half a day for the testosterone to draw up 😉

  • The video helped me a lot.

    My problem was inserting the needle too slowly. Drawing back a bit then sticking then needle in quickly works perfectly. After breaking the skin there was no sensation at all. I’m using 25G 1 1/2 needle.

    One question. In the triangle does the red vertical line indicate the hip bone? I couldn’t tell from the way you were turned.

    Thanks. You’ve saved me some pain.


    • Hi Glenn,

      The triangle is just the general area. It’s definitely not the hip bone. If you’re looking at your right hip, then it would be the fleshy part of your waistline/beltline and ass to the RIGHT of your right hip bone. If it’s soft and fleshy (like ass usually is), then it’s probably the right spot. If it’s bony or veiny, then you’d generally want to avoid it. Use your eyes based on that and you should be good.

    • Hey Paolo ,

      I’m nervous about my injection!
      Do I have to aspirate I have heard most doctors don’t recommend it any more
      And can I ask the air you inject up from aspirating how it that different from air bubbles
      You can inject those bubbles???

      Just nervous something bad will happen to me
      Thank you so much. It’s just a bit daunting at first

        • I was diagnosed with absurdly low T two years ago, and was able to triangulate dorso much easier than ventro, because the surrounding bones and stuff usually caused me to shy from the area. I have been searching like hell for a self-admin tutorial on this injection site and almost every other either gives vague information or insists on assisted IMIs. This article really broke it down in a way that has saved me both time and pain. Breach was literally painless, aspiration was smooth, and injection went pleasantly, despite the ever-present sensation of liquid seeping into muscle. Many heartfelt thanks from Arizona!

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