Do you live in Europe or the UK? Are you struggling to find a doctor or clinic that will treat your low testosterone? In today’s post, I’ll tell you how to get testosterone replacement therapy quickly and conveniently in the EU, when all else fails. The Struggle I get a lot of messages from guys all over Europe. The bulk of these men...
Tag - TRT
Today you’ll discover three important factors to consider when choosing the appropriate needle size and length for your injections. When you first start out administering your own injections, one of the most intimidating things to figure out is deciding what kind of needle to use. What size needle should you use? What length should the needle be...
Dorsogluteal VS Ventrogluteal – Which gluteal injection site should you use? This is a hotly debated topic in both the medical and the TRT community. Let’s look at both and find out the best option for YOU. There is an abundance of highly contested topics in the TRT community. The dorso/ventro gluteal debate is certainly one of them...
If you’re one of the many people worried about broken glass particles in your glass ampoule when you break it open, then today’s article is for you. One of the biggest causes for concern in the medical and TRT community is broken glass particles when opening glass ampoules. Especially when drawing up your medication for an injection (for example...
Happy New Year! And what better way to start off your new year than with 10 tips to reduce the pain during your injections! I have been seeing a lot of comments from guys complaining about pain when they inject their testosterone, so today’s tips will help you decrease the pain experienced during and after injections. You’re probably not always...