Why You Should Never Reuse Needles (With Photos)

Today your going to see what used needles look like and learn why you should never reuse needles more than once. It’s common knowledge in the TRT community that you should never use needles more than once. For those of you that are unsure...

Can You Use TRT As An Effective Form Of Contraception?

Can testosterone replacement therapy prevent pregnancy and act as an effective form of birth control? Can you get a girl pregnant on TRT? My girlfriend and I recently had an accident in the bedroom where the condom broke. We were both...

How Long Does Nebido Take To Kick In?

Nebido is a quite a unique little snowflake when it comes to testosterone. In this article you’ll learn how long Nebido takes to kick in initially, as well as in between injections. Nebido is a form of testosterone called testosterone...

How To Do A Deltoid Injection For TRT – Full Guide + Demo

Have you considered trying a deltoid injection in the past, but didn’t know where to begin? Today’s your lucky day. Intradeltoid injections, like the others, may seem scary to try at first. In fact, they are one of the easiest and safest...

Everything You Need To Prepare An Injection For TRT

In today’s guide, you’ll learn exactly what you need to perform an intramuscular injection for TRT, as well as how to prepare it. Administering your own injections for testosterone replacement therapy can be a daunting experience. Even...

1 In 2 Intramuscular Injections Are UNSUCCESSFUL!

I recently discovered some disturbing information while doing research on intramuscular injections. According to research, 1 in 2 intramuscular injections are unsuccessful. I learnt this shocking statistic recently while going through some...

Always Try The NHS / Your Public Healthcare First For TRT

I have spent a fair amount of time bashing the NHS for their poor treatment of men suffering with low testosterone. Today I want to stress why you shouldn’t discount them completely, especially if you are a newcomer looking to start TRT...

Do You Really Need To Aspirate? (2018 Update)

To aspirate or not to aspirate, that is the question. Today you’ll finally learn the truth behind the controversy surrounding aspiration – do you really need to aspirate? When you first enter the world of testosterone replacement...

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