Check out this awesome online tool that helps you to quickly convert testosterone levels into the different arithmetic units. It’s basically a flashy calculator for converting testosterone level units.


Testosterone Conversion Tool

Testosterone Conversion Tool

Move the slider below to convert the testosterone level between different units:

0 ng/dl
288 ng/dl
345.6 ng/dl
432 ng/dl
576 ng/dl
720 ng/dl
864 ng/dl
1008 ng/dl
1152 ng/dl
0 ng/ml
2.88 ng/ml
3.46 ng/ml
4.32 ng/ml
5.76 ng/ml
7.20 ng/ml
8.64 ng/ml
10.08 ng/ml
11.52 ng/ml

Testosterone substitution
Testosterone substitution
may be recommended
Testosterone substitution
usually not required
The Awesome Testosterone Tool by Nebido
The Awesome Testosterone Tool by Nebido

This is extremely helpful as a lot of labs and doctors use either the one unit (nmol/l) or the other unit (ng/dl).

This handy tool  also shows the different ranges for determining whether your levels are normal, or may require you to seek Testosterone Replacement Therapy treatment.

On top of that, it also includes a Free Testosterone Calculator as well as a Management Tool/Quiz for determining whether you should seek treatment or not. This is great ammunition for making your case to the doctor – especially if they decline treatment despite your levels being in the low range.

If you are having issues with getting treatment for low testosterone, I highly suggest showing this tool to your doctor or endocrinologist. The stronger you can make your case, the better!

Click Here For The Awesome Testosterone Tool on the Nebido website.

Quick Disclaimer: This tool is clearly developed by a producer of testosterone used in TRT, so you would expect there to be a little bias towards treatment in this case. However, I have compared the ranges they recommend to the average levels of men as they age (see the image below), and they seem fair and realistic. 

Testosterone Decline With Age
Testosterone Levels As They Decline With Age


For more on Testosterone Levels and what the normal ranges are, check out my video on YouTube called Testosterone Levels – Everything You Need To Know.

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Paolo Broccardo

I help men take control of their testosterone, health and lives. Testosterone Replacement Therapy turned my life around and my goal is to help other men with low testosterone do the same.

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